
I am a cardiologist trained at the Ribeirão Preto Medical School – University of São Paulo with a post-doctoral fellowship at the Brigham & Women’s Hospital – Harvard Medical School. You can find more about me in this page.

Make an appointment:

Clínica Dieckmann

(11) 3926-7266 

Email: ​​

24 hour call center [Portuguese]: (11) 4063-9711

WhatsApp: (11) 992 704 095


IN-PERSON APPOINTMENTS: Due to the Coronavirus pandemic and as instructed by the Brazilian Health Ministry and the World Health Organization (WHO), face-to-face appointments should be avoided, but can be scheduled if necessary.

TELEMEDICINE APPOINTMENTS: Alternatively, as authorized by the Brazilian Health Ministry (Ordinance No. 467, of March 20, 2020) and by the Brazilian Federal Council of Medicine (CFM No. 1756/2020), it is possible to conduct appointments via Telemedicine, through teleconferencing applications. CFM also authorizes prescriptions and notes to be sent in digital form (with an electronic signature), which has same value as a normal prescription.

Kind regards,

Dr. Julio Marchini



I graduated from Medical School in 2003 from the Ribeirão Preto School of Medicine of the University of São Paulo. In 2008, I got my PhD from the University of São Paulo in 2008. I went through an internal medicine residency (2005-2007) and a cardiology fellowship (2007-2009) at the General Hospital of the Ribeirão Preto School of Medicine, and an Interventional Cardiology fellowship in São Paulo (2012-2014).

I was a post-doctoral research fellow in Cellular and Molecular Cardiology at the Brigham & Women's Hospital / Harvard Medical School, under the supervision of Dr. Kevin Croce at Dr. Peter Libby's lab.

Here is my CV and my scientific publications, and published books. 

You can see my profile at the doctoralia portal.



Central Building Façade of the University of São Paulo Ribeirão Preto Campus. Image is licensed under the creative commons attribution-noncommercial use 3.0.


I am a Collaborating Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine at the Medical School of the University of São Paulo. I am one of the supervisors of the internal medicine emergency service and also of our medical residency program in Emergency Medicine. If you want to know more about my work at the residency you can click here [Portuguese].

I am part of the clinical staff at the Albert Einstein Israeli Hospital.

I am one of the coordinators of the emergency medicine online course at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo and one of the editors of the best-selling Medicina de Emergência – Abordagem Prática